Reinforcement drawings for reinforced concrete structures

We create reinforcement drawings for you so that you can concentrate on other phases of your project.

Reinforcement - it will work out well for you!

We work on behalf of the best civil engineering firms in Germany. Our customers value our drawings for their legibility. We make sure that sufficient details are presented to ensure that verification process and on site assembly run smoothly. Our teams use Allplan and Tekla Structure because they enable us to be highly efficient and exchange data easily with our customers.

How do we proceed?

  1. We draw up plans on the basis of the structural analysis and formwork drawings provided.
  2. Before the project begins, we agree on the style and standard of the drawings, the level of detail required and the deadlines set.
  3. To create the geometry, we use the supplied 3D model in the form of .IFC (BIM), .TBW (Allplan) files or models provided by Tekla Model Sharing Cloud, Bimplus or another provider. If no 3D model is available, we prepare it ourselves.
  4. Each of our drawings is checked in accordance with our company’s quality policy.
  5. The drawings created will be sent to you in the format you require, e.g. PDF, DWG. On request, we can create an external steel list in A4 format for each plan and generate ABS files to automate the preparation of the reinforcing bars.
  6. We ensure that our customers have a constant overview of the project’s progress so that we can set priorities together and respond to challenges during implementation.

They trust us

logo Statix "Vor allem die Flexibilität des Personaleinsatzes von 1 bis 10 Mitarbeitern je Projekt hat uns große Zufriedenheit bei unseren Auftraggebern erbracht. Grundlage ist hier auch der problemlose 3D-Datenaus- tausch mit dem CAD-Programm Allplan.Alle von uns beauftragten Leistungen wurden stets zu unserer Zufriedenheit und termingerecht erbracht..."
logo 03 TREBES „MR ist für uns seit vielen Jahren ein wichtiger Partner. Wir schätzen die fachliche Kompetenz, die Termintreue sowie die reibungslose Zusammenarbeit sehr und können das Büro uneingeschränkt empfehlen.“
logo 02 Jäger Gern bestätigen wir, dass die seit 2016 bestehende Zusammenarbeit mit der MR Statik Group in der Schal- und Bewehrungsplanung von einem hohen Maß an gegenseitigen Vertrauen geprägt ist
logo 06 OFFERMANN „Wir arbeiten seit vielen Jahren mit der MR Statik Group erfolgreich und partnerschaftlich zusammen. Auch über die Sprachgrenze hinwegist die Kooperation einfach klasse!“
logo 05 Baumert&Peschos "Die MR Statik Group sticht vor allem durch ihre Professionalität bei der Erstellung von Planungsunterlagen und ihrer Flexibilität bei individuellen Änderungswünschen, trotz erhöhtem Arbeitsvolumen, hervor.
logo 01 KUP Hierbei ist das professionelle und in allen Dingen partnerschaftliche und objektive Vorgehen in der Zusammenarbeit auch in stressigen und schwierigen Situationen sehr positiv zu bemerken.

We stand for

Adherence to deadlines

It is just as important to us as it is to you, and we always set a realistic schedule at the start of the project that satisfies everyone involved. Should we encounter unforeseen circumstances that could jeopardize the schedule, you will be informed immediately and we will draw up a new action plan together.

Support from an experienced project manager

Each project has a supervisor who coordinates the work of the project team, sets priorities and ensures the quality and timely delivery of the work. The project manager knows the project like the back of his hand, so you don't have to worry about a team member being sick or on vacation. Our project manager always ensures that you receive the commissioned work on time.


We are available from 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM (Central European Time Zone (GMT + 01:00), so you can contact us during your office hours.


Most of our employees have a higher technical education. In addition to preparing the detailed design documentation, they also have the knowledge to interpret complex FEM calculations, check and update them at the client's request if the design assumptions change.

We work with the following software:

Our realizations


New orangutan house

It’s the largest construction project in Dresden Zoo’s history.

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Offermann B2 2
quote 1 Offermann Ingenieurbau Client

Building for a driving school

In 2022, we prepared the detailed design project for the construction of a new driving school building.

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Offermann rwe3
quote 1 Offermann Ingenieurbau Client

Multifunctional building in the Rhineland

The building consisted of a social and office section and a hall.

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Sta sl 01
quote 1 Statix GmbH Client

Logistics center

We were responsible for reinforcement drawings for foundations and slabs and workshop drawings for precast components.

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quote 1 Jäger Ingenieure GmbH Client

Office building with hotel area in Saxony

In 2018-2019 we participated in the development of the detailed design for a multifunctional building.

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Example drawings

Frequently asked questions

  • What do you need to create an offer?

    The more documents we receive, the better. In most cases, the quotation is drawn up on the basis of conceptual design drawings. The following information is also important for the preparation of an offer: Are the ceilings made of Filigran? Is the reinforcement of the stairwells and balconies included in the scope of the offer? Which walls are produced as prefabricated elements? The more we know about the project, the more advantageous the offer is.

  • Do you prepare offers on the basis of the HOAI?

    With us, you only pay for the actual work our engineers do on your project. The planned costs of the building or its complexity are not important to us. For this reason, we do not use the HOAI when preparing our quotations, but calculate the actual work involved.

  • How quickly can you start work?

    Our regular customers can rest assured that they will receive almost immediate support when challenges arise. We can usually start work on small projects within two weeks. We usually need 2 months to prepare a project team (7 people or more) for a large assignment.

  • How much do your services cost?

    The price depends on the complexity of the tasks. Rates start at €25/hour for draughtsmen working on straightforward reinforced concrete structures. The highest rate is €45 for the most experienced structural engineers working on demanding construction projects. For this price, the customer always receives checked plans and calculations in accordance with our quality policy as well as project supervision by the assigned project manager.

  • How do we invoice our work?

    At the MR Statik Group, we use different types of invoicing depending on the customer’s requirements:

    1. Project team – a form that is particularly appreciated by our regular customers. The contractor maintains a permanent team of several people who work exclusively for him.
    2. Billing of hours worked – this form is often used when the scope of a project is difficult to estimate at the beginning.
    3. Cost estimate – of course we can provide you with a cost estimate for the implementation of the entire project. This option is well suited if the scope of the project and the schedule are known. Customers often prefer this option at the beginning of the collaboration.
    4. For the plan, for the position, for the tonnage – we are ready for any proposal, contact us to determine the most convenient way of settlement.
  • Can I have a permanent team of draughtsmen in Poland?

    It goes without saying that we have experience in putting together project teams. We take on all tasks in the areas of human resources, back-office preparation, IT and training. Customers appreciate this form of collaboration because it gives them the opportunity to set their own priorities and freely allocate their employees between projects as required.  Such teams are very familiar with the standard and the customer’s requirements.

  • Do you have liability insurance?

    Yes, we have insurance cover for the amount of € 1,000,000.

  • Are we willing to sign an NDA?

    It goes without saying that information and confidentiality of documents are of fundamental importance for our work. By default, we work on the basis of white label agreements and do not publish any information about projects in which we have been involved without the express consent of the client. We also do not independently contact other parties involved in the design process, such as architects and the technical building services. We also make sure that all files do not contain any metadata that would allow the author to be identified.

  • How can I communicate with you?

    You are welcome to call us between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm. We speak English, German and Polish. An employed translator ensures the linguistic accuracy of our documentation. When working on a project, fast communication by email or via the Teams app in special project groups works best.

  • How long do I have to wait for changes in the project?

    We ensure that changes made by customers and entries made by test engineers are processed as a matter of priority. For minor changes, we need a maximum of 24 hours. If the changes are extensive, we will discuss the possible deadline and the priority of the corrections with you.

  • What does the collaboration with the MR Statik Group look like?

    At the beginning, it is most important for us to get to know your needs. We usually organise a face-to-face meeting or a video conference in which we define areas of possible cooperation. The next step is the realisation of a small project or couple of drawings where we can get to know each other’s working methods better and develop optimal communication. Once our first common project is completed, we are ready to move on to really big assignments under high time pressure.

Find out how much you can save

Group 517

MR Statik Group

Civil engineering office

MR Statik Group

Civil engineering office
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Get in touch with us

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Adrian Magierski
Adrian Magierski
Project manager

I have a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering and extensive experience in construction project management.

My passion for civil engineering and new technologies drives me to achieve outstanding results. I combine theory and practice effectively, allowing me to implement innovative solutions and help colleagues solve their problems.

The knowledge and skills I have acquired enable me to balance costs, deadlines and project quality. I emphasize commitment, regularity, and professional execution in every project.

In addition to my passion for civil engineering, my family and my children inspire and motivate me.

A harmonious professional and personal life go hand in hand. When I spend time with my family, participate in my children’s activities, and create memories, I gain a new perspective and balance.